Monday, September 3, 2007

Post Apartheid, East London, Selborne College Roundup, 1995

Xmas 1994. Jake & mates, Esslemonts' back yard, 5 Sandhurst Road, East London.

We trekked the N2 freeway to Durbs by the sea. On New Year's day, I took Jake to North Beach, where broken glass littered grassy banks and Beach Baths carpark: freedom. Along the road, at South Beach a Zulu mob rioted: freedom. Over the years on public holidays, former white beaches were messed by thousands of blacks: freedom. In Worm City, on public holidays, a black amoeba spread from Osner Hotel along the Esplanade into Eastern Beach surf. Jake and I stood on North Beach Pier, feeling north wind blasts from Aids infested KwaZulu-Natal, overcrowded with 8000 000 souls.

London's NZ embassy informed us of our residence-visa success, an anti-climax, as it was two years since our emigration decision. Our trekking around SA had prepared us for emigration. Luke thought we were going on a long holiday. Jake was concerned about losing friends.

I gave Mr. Gunn a term's notice, then sat on the bench under the red flamboyant tree by Selborne College tuckshop, overlooking the hockey field. I felt sad, as I sensed I'd never teach again. In the staffroom Mr. Gunn squeaked to staff, "Mark won't be replaced until affirmative-action quotas for blacks begin."

"You can all cheer," I said: silent staff. Although Model C schools had functioned for four years, Selborne clung to apartheid status quo, having no black, coloured, nor Indian teachers. A white teacher taught Xhosa to Xhosa speaking black pupils.

Luke began his first and last term at a Jewish pre-primary. Jews had already emigrated, and Jewish enrolment at Selborne had decreased over the years. We heard when Jews began hearing anti-Semitic comments it was time to leave.

I'd joined Selborne-Vincent Neighbourhood Watch. Late at night, male residents car-patrolled suburbs, reporting suspicious characters, incidents, robberies-in-progress to SAP. We patrolled unharmed, shining torches on Xhosa bush-dwellers sitting around their campfires. We scrutinized suspicious-looking Xhosa wandering roads, and dossing on school premises and at Guild Theatre.

The nearest I came to being a klipgooi victim was when I checked inside Selborne's swimming-pool filtration plant. The room was dark, and when the Xhosa pool-attendant saw me enter, he picked up a half -brick and followed me inside. On recognizing me, he dropped the brick. I wondered how many Mdantsane tsotsis he'd hit with bricks? Was violent crime an excuse for revenge-attacks on whites by ex revolutionaries? A Xhosa thief was shot dead a block from our home. A white painted outline of his body stayed on the pavement. SA had many white, tarry figures.

"You're a racist!" said Forword before staff.

"As newly promoted VP, you represent institutionalized racism," I said. "You're galled I suggested a door should be installed in Selborne's grandstand, stopping Xhosa vagrants using it as a urinal and doss-house. Razor-wire fencing hasn't deterred them."

"You're running away to the land of milk and honey eh? We know we must never employ another PR person again. You've given us lots of shit since you've been here."

"The mouse swims the cream to butter and avoids the cats. PR is very different from IR, where I worked as a personnel officer for De Beers, which you resent." Forword winced. Playing Pig Dog, I barked so other worms would wriggle: "You manage Selborne finances, yet you and your cronies have never reviewed my salary nor merit-increments. Over the last six years, if you, Selborne management and inspectors had any integrity you would've increased my merits and advised me to apply for a board for my deafness, to secure my family's financial future. Neither you nor any staff have offered me accommodation nor help, while I'm packing up. Midlane sent a goodbye card, only because I gave him my biology notes. Most lessons he wastes lab time writing chalk notes on his green-board." Forword and Midlane squirmed.

"My career includes ten happy teaching years, but also eight outcast years working without labs in three boys high schools, under spiteful management like you. Midlane and I achieved the only two biology A results in the last matric exam. Midlane had a lab. I hadn't. Management never praised my A result. As for my sports coaching achievements, I've survived a hit cricket ball striking my face, and a hit hockey ball striking my balls. Being born to a teacher, married to a teacher, and having taught for 72 terms, it'll be decades before I purge teaching from my system."

"Counting my intellectual, emotional, social and health costs, you and other management rookies benefitted from my Natal, Vrystaat and Cape expertise gained before my hideous Selborne experience. After six years at Selborne, 10 biology / science teachers and HODs benefitted from my expertise, at great cost to myself, as I was never allocated a lab. Many other teacher and pupil play directors and backstage workers at Selborne and Clarendon benefitted from my drama expertise at great cost to myself. Never mind the thousands of Selborne boys I taught who benefitted from my sciences professionalism."

My last fifth form class said, "Goodbye" by lining up and shaking my hand: my best, "Goodbye." I slipped notes in Forword's and Mr. Gunn's pigeon-holes stating: "I won't be at Selborne on the last day of term in protest against six years of lab discrimination. Other teachers can complete my reports."

On 07/04/1995, I left Selborne with few regrets. I couldn't abide a measly goodbye gift and hypocritical speeches by management, who'd betrayed my trust in them to provide teacher equality with my own lab.

My high school biology / general-science reckoning: East London 6 years: 24 terms no lab = 100% Kak! Durban 6 years: 7 terms no lab + 17 terms own lab = 70% OK.

In Natal and Cape schools, I'd worked with at least 2 SADF, CF majors, several captains, and gangs of brainwashed officers: all swaggering around, coaching cadets, and sniffing out intelligence for SADF.

I gave my old bicycle to Ambrose, reprography machine-operator, as Ambrose had done more for me than any white staff, by copying notes, tests and exam-papers for me. The white typist had complained about my handwriting, and had made me wait for my typed exam-papers. Forword had pandered to her rude excesses. My white colleagues had been selfish and indifferent to my discrimination hassles, and Mr. Gordon's corruption had slimed dirty Selborne for years.

I encountered Xhosa pupils in town. One said: "You never said 'Goodbye' to us seh, Why're you leaving SA seh?"

"Your leaders govern now. They must stop the killings. I reckon hell is a silent, cold place. I've breached the sound barrier by teaching you and your Selborne pals for years without hearing-aids. As a former pupil, student and teacher, I've been 35 years in schools. While teaching over 18 years in 7 schools in Natal, Cape and QwaQwa, I've coached 8 soccer teams, 5 rugby teams, 7 hockey teams and 15 cricket teams. I've also coached swimming, athletics, PT, yachting, cadets and wildlife. I've directed plays in all schools I've taught at, and I've had enough. I'll never teach teenagers again."

Copyright Mark JS Esslemont.


Unknown said...

Hi Mr Esslemont, I have read your blogs with some interest and am sorry you had a tough time at Selborne. I can only imagine. I'm not sure if you remember me but you were the master that got me into hockey. I played a couple of games for you and in post matric helped catch the U14's - I got to be in the 1st team eventually with Mr Viviers. I was at Selborne from 1990 -1994 (also did post matric - UK tour). Ended up playing hockey at provincial level and premier league in the UK. I have lived in th Uk now for 20 years.
I have to be honest, I don't have fond memories of Selborne and in particular disliked the discrimination relating to status and favouritism from some of the masters that you have mentioned. If you were liked you got to do everything, chosen for ceremony of the key etc. I was bullied relentlessly in hostel and school and at the time Mr Gordon did nothing, the things that were condoned or covered up were hectic. I stuck it out but Selborne was very much if you were liked you were ok, Messrs Norman and Malherbe being the worst around favouritism and status. I have to say this was a tough time in my life but it also got me to go into education ( ( the UK and I work really hard to ensure what I experienced never happens to others.

I must commend you on your bravery is speaking out, its pretty much taboo particularly around the Malherbe fall from grace. It's disgusting. I also feel at the primary a key master who past away might have also been involved - I was a master there in post matric and I had questions. I really do believe we were institutionalised to never say what was wrong or speak out. I never was in your class but you did stop me being beaten up in the corridor by the school bully once , for that I was thankful.

I have learnt to do it on my own, make my own success, not live in the past like many of my old boys friends. I suppose Selborne taught me these things but it isn't something I celebrate and its why I don't attend reunions etc.

Anyway, i'll keep following you writings,

Justin James

Mark JS Esslemont said...

Hi Justin,

Glad you survived Selborne & have gone on to better things in education. Institutionalised bullying was rife at Selborne when I taught there, 1989-95, condoned by school management. Yes the younger Emslie's & Malherbe's predations are a blot on Selborne's reputation. Emslie's father (as a retired Selborne teacher) once slagged off a Durban North headmaster we both knew in the 50s-60s. Some Selborne old boys are defensive or outspoken about the abuses that happened at Selborne Primary & Selborne College. Others just live with their secrets & stay anonymous. Go well.


Mark JS Esslemont said...

Blog Moderation: I deleted a comment from an Anonymous person who said I'd taught him science. He called his Selborne College experience his "Lord of the Flies chapter". I delete Anonymous comments. If an Old Boy wants his comment(s) published on my blog please identify yourself. I can also be contacted on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous.. I am David van Wyk. Attended from 1988 to 1992... 5 years of Rollercoaster Lord of the Flies Life preperation or so I was forced to accept. I chose it and finished it but have always taken with me the Movie Selborne College and allthe wack bullshit rah rah brotherhood with some rather ironic twists. Lets just say Tim and are fairly well aquainted..poor bugger

Mark JS Esslemont said...

Thanks David. I like your Lord of the Flies image. We sure met some Selborne savages. Go well.

Mark JS Esslemont said...

Comment by an Ünknown" Selborne College Old Boy on a later post:

I was interested to see your comments about Selborne. I was a student there in the 60s and early 70s. Yes, the place was basically a sports club masquerading as a school. Looking back at my time there, some of the education we got was reasonable, but there was a number of things about the place I look back on with considerable contempt (1) The sports madness (2) The militaristic cadets (3) The endless preaching from the pulpit and praying at assembly and the "RI" classes - anathema to a life-long atheist. How dare they shove religion down my gullet at an institution I was forced to attend? (4) Expectations of conformity in everything down to how you wore your hair. I expect this was to a large extent a reflection of the general culture in the country at the time, but from what I can tell at distance, much remains the same even today.

Selborne Primary was even worse, with corporal punishment meted out for the most trivial infractions. We called our standard 5 class "the Slaghuis," which was a fair description. I wish I could travel back in time and vent my thoughts to some of that lot.

Mark JS Esslemont said...

Thanks for your selborne College review. It was much as you described when I taught there, 1989 - April 1995 incl. One of the RI teachers during my tenure was Neil Emslie, WW2 vet. I expect he taught you too. His son Alan Emslie taught at Selborne Primary, notorious for photographing school boys in showers & perversions at school camps. After leaving Selborne Primary, Alan Emslie committed suicide. Selborne Primary principal during my time was Mr Schaeffer. After his retirement, Doug Voke became Selborne Primary principal.